The Skirmish Report

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Here we can discuss the newest bands
All I need now is do some playtesting and write a report.  If anyone has anything to add here, email me. 
You can click on this link and get some advise from the WOTC warband builders and check out the Warband Generator:
Your best bet is to click on this link: and post a topic for your questions.  Psssst.... the 2004 DDM champion hangs out there.  I would like to mention that there are a lot of knowlegable players there, Shadow Fox, ChristopherGroves and many more.
Denying Assult Part 1:
Denying Assult Part 2:

Medusa Chamber, Intersection tiles, Audience Chamber tiles
Commanders for Chaotic Evil warband building.  I added thier faction, the cost to have them in your band, thier rarity and set they are in,  thier commander rating, and thier commander effects.  So here you go:
Yuanti Abomination Faction CE, Cost 48, R AB, Comm 4: DC of followers poison increases by 4
Orc Sergeant faction CE, cost 24, U AB, Comm 2: Orc and gobliniods gain attack +2, orcs and gobliniods of any faction are legal in your warband.
Lareth the Beautiful, faction CE, cost 54, R GOL, Comm 3: AVATAR OF CHAOS: Followers and enemies take 5 magic damage whenever they make a attack roll of a natural 1. They deal triple damage instead of double damage on a critical roll.
Gnoll Sergeant, faction CE, cost 33, U GOL, Comm 2: Followers gain melee damage +5 against wounded creatures.
Lich Necromancer, faction CE, cost 64, R GOL, Comm 2: Whenever a living creature is destroyed, replace it with an undead creature under your controll worth 5 points or less.
Mordenkainen The Mage, faction ANY, cost 69, R GOL, Comm 3: Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound Enemies lose Conceal and take 5 magic damage whever they activate.
Vampre Aristocrat, Faction CE, cost 57, R AF, Comm 3: Enemies that fail a moral save are destroyed.
Drow Sergeant, faction CE, cost 16, U AF, Comm 2: Level 1 Followers gain melee damage +5.
Drow Wizard, Faction CE, cost 29, U DE, Comm 2: Damage +5 when making attacks of Opportunity.
Orc Druid, faction CE, cost 27, R DE, comm 2: Animal and Magical Beast followers gain attack +2.
Eye of Gruumsh, faction CE, cost 44, R DE, comm 1: Orc followers gain melee damage +5.
Tiefling Captain, faction CE, cost 21, U HB, comm 4: Score critical hits with melee attacks on a roll of 19 or 20.
Drow Cleric of Lolth, faction CE, cost 42, R HB, comm 5: Followers deal melee damage +5 to flanked creatures.
Cleric of Gruumsh, faction CE, cost 21, R HB, comm 3: Followers gain Cleave, Orc followers in any faction are legal in your warband.

And the one everyone seems to love to use:

Ryld Argith, faction CG/CE, cost 55, R AB, comm 4: Good humaniod followers gain melee atack +2, Evil humaniod followers gain keen critical 19 scores critical hits on melee attack rolls of 19. Commander rating counts as 8 instead of the listed 4 due to Improved initiative 8

  Assembly Tile 6, Shrine of Justice, and Shrine of Slaughter tiles